Wednesday, October 26, 2005
日進月歩 Steady Progress
五年と二ヶ月の間使っていたiMacが壊れたので、新しいMacに変えた。五年前に初めて使ったときに、「わぁすごい」と思ったけれど、今では「わぁすごく遅い」新しく来たMacminiは、小さくて早くて静かでなんでもできる!でも。。。。。 古いiMacはリサイクルに出して、新しい何かに変わって、また誰かの役に立つでしょう。
The iMac I have been using for 5 years and 2 months broke, so I switched over to a new Mac. 5 years ago, when I first used it, I thought "Waa-Wow", but now I think "Waa-Wow it's slow!". The new Mac mini is so small, fast and quiet! And it can do anything! But.....
I put the old iMac out into the recycling - to change into to something new, for then perhaps it will become of use to someone again.
Translated by Mathieu
The iMac I have been using for 5 years and 2 months broke, so I switched over to a new Mac. 5 years ago, when I first used it, I thought "Waa-Wow", but now I think "Waa-Wow it's slow!". The new Mac mini is so small, fast and quiet! And it can do anything! But.....
I put the old iMac out into the recycling - to change into to something new, for then perhaps it will become of use to someone again.
Translated by Mathieu