Wednesday, October 26, 2005
日進月歩 Steady Progress
五年と二ヶ月の間使っていたiMacが壊れたので、新しいMacに変えた。五年前に初めて使ったときに、「わぁすごい」と思ったけれど、今では「わぁすごく遅い」新しく来たMacminiは、小さくて早くて静かでなんでもできる!でも。。。。。 古いiMacはリサイクルに出して、新しい何かに変わって、また誰かの役に立つでしょう。
The iMac I have been using for 5 years and 2 months broke, so I switched over to a new Mac. 5 years ago, when I first used it, I thought "Waa-Wow", but now I think "Waa-Wow it's slow!". The new Mac mini is so small, fast and quiet! And it can do anything! But.....
I put the old iMac out into the recycling - to change into to something new, for then perhaps it will become of use to someone again.
Translated by Mathieu
The iMac I have been using for 5 years and 2 months broke, so I switched over to a new Mac. 5 years ago, when I first used it, I thought "Waa-Wow", but now I think "Waa-Wow it's slow!". The new Mac mini is so small, fast and quiet! And it can do anything! But.....
I put the old iMac out into the recycling - to change into to something new, for then perhaps it will become of use to someone again.
Translated by Mathieu
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Electrohydrostatic Actuator
電気油圧アクチュエータを単純に説明すると、電気で油圧ポンプを作動させて、エンジンからの油圧供給を不要としたもの。エアバスA380の昇降舵とエルロンをコントロールします。ですから、エンジンからの油圧ではなく独立したアクチュエータです。方向舵とスポイラーは、Electrical Backup Hydraulic Actuator 電気パックアップ油圧アクチュエータで動かします。通常はエンジンからの油圧で作動しますが、バックアップモードになると電気ポンプで作動させます。はい、かっこいい!
To put it simply, these are things that use electricity to operate their hydraulic pumps, which makes it unnecessary for the engine to provide hydraulics itself. They control the Airbus A380's landing gear and ailerons. Thus hydraulic pressure does not come from the engine but from an independent actuator. The rudder and spoiler are driven by an Electrical Backup Hydraulic Actuator. Normally hydraulic pressure from the engine would drive these, but when in backup mode, they move with electronic pressure pumps. Hey, isn't that cool!
Translated by Mathieu
To put it simply, these are things that use electricity to operate their hydraulic pumps, which makes it unnecessary for the engine to provide hydraulics itself. They control the Airbus A380's landing gear and ailerons. Thus hydraulic pressure does not come from the engine but from an independent actuator. The rudder and spoiler are driven by an Electrical Backup Hydraulic Actuator. Normally hydraulic pressure from the engine would drive these, but when in backup mode, they move with electronic pressure pumps. Hey, isn't that cool!
Translated by Mathieu